Graham Ritchings

Warehouse & Logistics manager

I am the Warehouse & logistics manager for pentagon play in the southwest and I have been in warehousing since 2002. When I first joined I was given the freedom to set up the warehouse in the way i wanted to ensure it was as productive as possible. I love the freedom pentagon play give me to implement my ideas in the warehouse and love working with the operations team to make it run more efficiently.

I graduated from university in 2008 with a BA Hons in creative sound and music. After completion of the course I started my own business called environmental media which taught children to make music and animations using sounds from their environments with the aim to raise awareness of environmental issues. A few of these were shown at children's festivals around the UK.

I am a keen sound designer/electronic music producer/ DJ and have released various tracks on a number of music labels, documentaries, apps and websites since 2007. 

When I'm not in the warehouse you can find me in the great outdoors exploring in my campervan, kayaking, skateboarding, snowboarding and camping.

I am passionate about the work that we do at Pentagon play and I'm proud of the positive impact we make on children's lives. 

Graham Ritchings Graham Ritchings

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