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7 Easter Playground Activities For Your School

7 EGGs-traordinary Playground Activities For Celebrating Easter

It isn’t unusual for children to associate Easter with a limitless supply of chocolate eggs. Who can blame them? Supermarket shelves have been loaded with them for months!

In anticipation of all the extra energy children will have after a sugar feast, we have created a list of 7 egg-cellent ideas for your playground. It’s the perfect antidote to all the indulgent treats and to keep the little bunnies hopping, skipping, jumping and engaged through the Easter period!

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1. On your mark, get set, go…


Nothing screams Easter more than a traditional egg on spoon race whilst navigating an obstacle course. It is guaranteed to get everyone moving, with each player being given a spoon and a hard-boiled egg to minimise mess, or for the younger children, a plastic egg can be used as an alternative.

Our Get Set, Go! Blocks can be arranged so children must climb, balance and complete the course whilst keeping the egg on the spoon.

Nursery Playground Equipment

2. …and the little one said “Roll Over”


Egg roll in bowl? Not quite, but an active game for children to play in preparation for the impending Easter festivities is to begin with having tons of fun decorating and personalising hard-boiled eggs.

Once ready, the Gravity Table can be used to roll their eggs down the table simultaneously - the one that travels the furthest wins!

Play Equipment For Nursery

3. “Chuck an egg on top”


This game is ideal for an outdoor PE lesson in the build up to Easter, or for giggly classmates to play during breaktimes.

A hard-boiled egg or plastic egg works, without the added mess when dropped. Within the MUGA Pitch, children can work in pairs, initially standing with only a short distance between them and throw the egg back and forth.

With each successful throw, the distance increases, increasing the challenge. It is ideal for refining hand-eye coordination skills, too.

Multi Use Games Area

4. Eggs in a basket


The Daily Mile Track is ideal for this game as it is clearly distinct from its surroundings.

A basket can be positioned at a preferred distance away from the starting point, which can be increased to make it more challenging for the children. Children must stand at the start of the track - careful not to step onto it. 

Each child is then given 5 plastic eggs/balls to take turns throwing the eggs into the basket. The child who have the most successful throws and the most eggs in the basket is the champion! Similarly, target markings can also be used to support this game.

outdoor play activities

5. Find the missing treasure


Instead of a classic game of hunting for Easter eggs, what about an organised treasure hunt, making the most of your outdoor play areas, but with an Easter twist?

This game is a creative way to keep children’s minds engaged as well as their bodies as it is a team activity it can help children who wouldn’t normally play together to work collaboratively to find the hidden treasure.

school playground equipment

Each group will be given a map with locations marked for different clues all eventually leading to the treasure: an Easter treat. Perhaps they can find different letters around the playground to spell out as many words possible to get the final clue to the treasure. Similarly, numbers can be added together to find the answer.

It is certain to fill the playground with the sweet sound of laughter and will absolutely give children a mind and body workout whilst they problem-solve their way to victory.

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6. Arts and Crafts Station


Set up an arty craft station in the Outdoor Classroom Gazebo for the little budding artists to produce Easter bonnets and bunny ears for their friends, complete with a paint station, card, glitter ‘sugar, spice and all things nice’.

It is a great way for children to work together and produce mini masterpieces to feature in a bonnet parade.

Easter playground activities

7. Bunny Boogie


Music, dancing and busting some moves to beats is a great way for children to show-off their best moves and engage in a little bunny hope. They can use the Outdoor Musical Instruments to create their own melodies, sing and hum their favourite rhymes and hop their way into Easter!

We hope you enjoy our playground activities to celebrate Easter at your school or nursery. We wish you all a crackin’ Easter! If you'd like help transforming your school playground or nursery garden, please do not hesitate to Contact Us to arrange a free, no-obligation consultation with one of our expert playground consultants, or view our extensive range of Playground Equipment

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