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The Whitworth Art Gallery’s Outdoor Art Club

Keeping the Children In Manchester Entertained During Summer 2021

In 2019, we partnered with The Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester, to help keep the children of Manchester entertained over the summer holidays.

As the event was such a success, with parents mentioning how much they loved the fact that the event was free, local and that their children were entertained as they could spend hours engrossed in play, we decided that we couldn’t turn down the opportunity to get involved once again!

children playing on the mud kitchen

The Whitworth Art Galley’s learning and engagement team’s Early Years Coordinator, Lucy Turner, happily welcomed us back to help with their Outdoor Art Club Event – an event that brings art, nature and creativity together, that takes place come rain or shine.

Here at Pentagon Play, we love to get involved with every charity event that aims to help children, which is why we were excited to help the Whitworth Art Gallery with this amazing event.

children playing on the water mat

The Whitworth Art Gallery is located in a deprived area of Manchester, where many parents and guardians struggle to entertain their young children throughout the long summer holidays.

As a result of this, the Whitworth set up a free, local event for parents, families, holiday clubs and everyone else to take their children to play freely, without having to worry about the cost.

Mud Kitchen
Mud Kitchen

Mud Kitchen

A Mud Kitchen is a place for children’s imaginations to get creative with cooking – mud!

Find out more

The Outdoor Art Club

This years’ event was very special!

The Outdoor Art Club event had been designed to get children playing outdoors again after having so long of being restricted to indoor play because of the pandemic, without their friends or other children to play with.a  young girl playing on the easel on wheelsThe art gallery were determined to provide children with a space where they could play outdoors together, have fun, make new friends and have a little a bit of freedom which they haven’t had for so long!

From mud painting and potion mixing to chalk drawing, there was plenty on offer to engage children in collaborative play games.

a young girl using our scribble board

How Pentagon Play Contributed to The Outdoor Art Club

We donated a variety of playground equipment to the even to help keep the children of Manchester entertained over the summer holidays, including:

The Whitworth Art Galley’s Outdoor Art Club event was very, very successful!

Our equipment was enjoyed by thousands of children across Manchester and surrounding areas for free during the summer holiday.

hildren using our easel on wheels

As we love getting involved with all charity events that benefit children in the local community, our staff were delighted to be able to head down to the Whitworth Art Galley to volunteer and see children engrossed in play for themselves.

They witnessed parents and children alike getting involved with everything on offer! A particular favourite was the Potion Stations.

children playing at the water channel stand

They loved taking a little bit of glitter, a coloured lolly pop stick and a mixing bowl, saying a few magical words and creating enchanting potions!

We are looking forward to seeing the next huge Whitworth Playtime event during next years’ summer holidays.