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Create an Outdoor Play Space For Tummy Time

Ways to create the perfect setting for outdoor Tummy Time

Do you believe that outdoor activities are vitally important for all babies and children? At Pentagon Play, we really do.

To stay happy and healthy, we all need to take part in regular outdoor exercise. So it is really important that nurseries have good, practical facilities to take their babies outside every day.

tummy time at nurseries

Just because babies can’t yet run around and explore a playground by themselves, doesn't mean they should miss out! We are here to help.

DOWNLOAD the PDF below to read about the many benefits of outdoor Tummy Time. We also share how nurseries can improve their outdoor setting, so that carers and key workers can easily take babies outside to enjoy Tummy Time in the fresh air:

outdoor tummy time

Are you looking to improve your Nursery playground to improve provision for Tummy Time and other outdoor activities? We work with a large number of Nurseries across the UK and have the experience to make a real difference to your setting. Simply complete our Online Contact Form and we will be in touch to arrange a free consultation.

Alternatively, you can call 01625 890 330 (Northern Office) or 0117 379 0899 (Southern Office).