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St Bede Primary School's MUGA Pitch

A MUGA Pitch creates a lasting sporting legacy


The children at St Bede’s Catholic Primary School are excited to be back to school with a brand new Multi Use Games Area in their school grounds - it’s a fabulous sporting facility, and a wonderful opportunity to spend more time outside during the school day!

As a keen footballer herself, our experienced playground consultant, Meg Ragdale, was brilliantly placed to work with the Northwich primary school on their super sports project.

Thanks to a series of fundraising events by the Friends of St Bede’s, the school’s outdoor provision has been hugely enhanced, with all classes able to access all-year round active lessons. And of course like all of our MUGAs, the new St Bede’s facility has been built to Sport England's high standards.

Our on-site team began with the baseworks, excavating and preparing an area of the school field for installation. They back-filled the area with our complete Sports Baseworks - this ensures that the MUGA will be super sturdy and secure, self draining in all weathers, and will provide excellent support for a variety of sports.

Onto this they fitted our all-weather, multi-sport artificial grass surface, which has passed FIFA's rigorous durability tests. Clearly visible inlaid 3G yellow and white sports markings were added to facilitate a number of different team games on the pitch.

Children playing football on a muga pitch

At each end we installed recessed goals with white goal posts. One red and one blue goal surface at opposite ends means there can be no argument as to which team has scored a goal!

We surrounded the MUGA with a 2m high sports mesh fence. It has an anti-climb design so it’s safe and secure from both sides, and has an easy-access chicane entrance/exit at each end. The fencing is very easy to see through from all angles, so it allows spectators to stand all the way round the edge of the court and cheer on their classmates!

Children enjoying sport on a Pentagon Play muga pitch

To create easy access between the MUGA and the existing playground, we installed an all weather pathway linking the two together, and continuing on alongside the pitch.

There is plenty of space for all of the children to walk along without getting wet and muddy on the field during the winter months. At the entrance to the MUGA, is a large area of artificial grass which provides a safe rest space, and a handy space for leaving water bottles, bags and equipment during a game.

drone photograph of St Bede's MUGA Pitch

It’s a wonderful new sporting facility which has really transformed the outdoor offering at St Bede’s, providing a lasting legacy that can be enjoyed by their pupils for many years to come.

Would you like to talk to us about installing a MUGA Pitch in your school grounds? A long term and cost-effective way to spend your PE and Sports Premium, our MUGAs can be installed to suit your requirements. We make it easy for you by managing the entire process from concept to design and installation. Please do Contact Us Here for more information.

If you would like to view more examples of our work in Cheshire, visit our Cheshire page here.

A Multi Use Games Area on a school field