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Welcome Back To School From Pentagon Play

Welcome Back To A New, Very Different, School Year!

Welcome back to a new school year - we hope you’re all ok and settling in to this new way of doing things, and that you managed to get some much needed rest over the summer holidays.

It’s a strange world that we’re living in at the moment and schools are looking very different. We think you’re all amazing - without getting political (we don’t have the word count!) - we take our hats off to you all. 

We’ve missed our school visits, and seeing you all in action in your playgrounds during lockdown.

We’ve been with you in spirit and doing our utmost to keep things going here - most of us working from home, and spending more time than we’d ever imagined with our kids, but they have proved to be an inspiration!

School Playground Equipment

And who better to test our products and ideas on, really?!

If we can take one hugely positive thing from all of this - it has to be the enormous leap that so many people have taken towards spending more time outdoors. It’s something we’ve always championed. 

Outdoor Play

Things have been tough, but we’ve all seen more children spending time out and about and achieving some wonderful things for themselves - whether walking out with their families, learning how to ride a bike, taking up a new outdoor sport, or experimenting with some great new outdoor learning ideas as part of their home-schooling.

These are all things to be hugely proud of.

Outdoor Learning

We know that you will be looking forward to getting your pupils outside in the fresh air, and making the most of your outdoor learning spaces, now they’re all back at school.

If you have been looking after key workers’ children throughout, you’re probably well-versed in this new way of doing things, and will already have ideas for how you want to use the playground to its full potential. Now more than ever, there’s no doubt that children need to be learning outdoors wherever possible.

School Playground Equipment

Can we help you create that one special moment?

We have so many fabulous products and ideas for you to make the most of your outdoor spaces, whatever your budget. Outdoor learning, play and sport is what we’re all about, and we have all you need to allow you to spend as much time as possible outside during the school day. We’re here when you need us.

We’d love to hear from you. You can call us on 01625 890330 (North) or 0117 3790899 (South), or Contact Us and we’ll call you back at a time that works for you.

Wishing you all the very best of luck for this new school year. Here’s to some happy outdoor times ahead!