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Preesall Fleetwood CE Primary School’s Outdoor Gym

Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle and Boosting Mental Wellbeing Through Exercise

Preesall Fleetwood CE Primary School were determined to provide more opportunities for their children to participate in vigorous exercise and improve their mental wellbeing outdoors.

Meg Ragdale, our playground consultant, was delighted to produce an attractive environment by installing a healthy outdoor gym.

An Outdoor Gym For Vigorous Playground Exercise


Alongside the perimeter of the playground, we installed a set of six outdoor gym items to target all muscle groups and enable all ages and abilities to participate in healthy playtimes.

Seven children wearing blue school jumpers are exercising on outdoor gym equipment which has been installed in the school field next to a brick wall.

The new outdoor gym includes:

The wide range of equipment provides plenty of space for children to workout together as they build up their muscles and cardiovascular fitness during playtime.

2 children, one boy with blonde hair and one girl with brown hair are playing outside on outdoor gym equipment which has been installed onto the school field next to the school building.

Whilst participating in exercise together, the children are fostering friendships and developing their communication and language skills as the gym creates a social environment.

As the children participate in vigorous exercise every day, they are learning what they need to do to lead a healthy and active lifestyle as well as having a positive impact on their mental wellbeing.

2 children wearing blue school jumpers, one boy with brown hair and one girl with brown hair, the girl has black trainers on with a pink tick, are playing on the outdoor gym equipment in the school field with a view of fields and houses behind them.

When Tom went back to see how the children were getting on with their new outdoor gym, Poppy, a pupil at Preesall, had some lovely feedback for him:

"I think it is a really great space, and really good for the younger children, too"

Would you like to promote a healthy lifestyle in your playground? Explore all of our Sports Playground Equipment Here and Contact Us Here to begin your journey with Pentagon Play.

You can also see all of the fabulous playground projects completed for Preston primary schools and nurseries on our dedicated Preston Projects Page Here

5 children wearing blue school jumpers are playing outside on the gym equipment which has been installed onto the school field, whilst one child wearing a red coat runs around the playground behind them.