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A Large Climbing Frame for St Wilfrid’s Catholic Primary School!

The Customer 

St Wilfrid’s strives to provide their pupils with a great spiritual, emotional, academic, and physical education, encouraging them to become happy, well-rounded adults.

  climbing frame for schools

They also want to instil their pupils with a love for learning, and a great way to do this is by making their learning environment an engaging and exciting place to be.

This is why St Wilfrid’s chose to work with Pentagon Play on a brand-new space in their play environment.  

Their Objectives 

When P.E Lead, Hayley Collins contacted Pentagon to look into redeveloping their outdoor area, she had a very clear vision for what she wanted, and she had some key specifications.  

It must be active play for the entire school to use, from EYFS upwards.  

outdoor playground climbing frame

It needs to go onto the school field, with surfacing underneath.  

Instead of a linear trail, something similar to our Forest Trails or Climbers.

Hayley Collins knew the worth of climbing frames and really wanted the school to have access to some climbing equipment.

Outdoor Learning Consultant, Greg Gavin, took these objectives and ran with them, designing a fantastic new area for their pupils to enjoy.  

Our Approach 

To create a play space with an abundance of opportunities for pupils of all ages, Greg suggested the installation of one of our brand-new climbers, The Kielder Forest Circuit.  

The Kielder Forest Circuit features 12 different obstacles for pupils to explore, from a double-sided horizontal climbing wall to a swinging log crossing to a drop rope balance traverse and more!  

climbing frame for schools

Pupils can engage all different muscles around their body as they navigate this exciting new climber, building their coordination and confidence as they go.  

Children will also need to expand on their problem-solving skills to navigate their way across successfully without falling down into the imaginary crocodile-infested waters or steaming lava!  

The Kielder Forest Circuit includes the following elements:  

  • Zigzag Log Bridge Crossing 
  • Zigzag Rope Balance Traverse 
  • 2x Platforms 
  • Platform to Post Tightrope Crossing 
  • Horizontal Climbing Wall Traverse - Double-sided 
  • Swinging Log Crossing 
  • Wobbly Log Traverse 
  • Step Rung Traverse 
  • Drop Rope Balance Traverse 
  • Step Rope Traverse 
  • Log Balance Weaver 

The Results 

The pupils at St Wilfrid’s are loving their new play space.  

When Greg visited site following the installation, the children were loving traversing across the new trail, creating their very own adventure stories as they went.  

climbing frame for primary school playgrounds

This new playground provision will be fantastic in supporting pupils grow into strong, independent adults with an active role in driving their own learning!  

If you would like to redevelop your outdoor play space just like St Wilfrid's Primary School, then please don't hesitate to get in contact with one of our friendly team members! Click here to find out more.