Mortimer St John's Vibrant Early Years Playground

We created an exciting adventure trail to help transform a once narrow and dark Early Years area into a vibrant and colourful learning environment. Read the full article…

Greenfield Primary's New EYFS Learning Environment

Take a look at the huge re-development of Greenfield Primary School's Early Years playground and learn about how wee transformed it into an open ended and free flowing play environment. Read the full article…

Dairy Meadow School's Open-Ended EYFS Playground

Dairy Meadow Primary School now has an incredible outdoor learning environment for their EYFS children. We managed to develop the area to include open-ended and investigative learning opportunities. Read the full article…

Carlton Road Academy's EYFS Playground Development

Read about our MASSIVE EYFS playground Development at Carlton Road Academy where we created a stimulating outdoor environment for children to learn and play. Read the full article…

Thornton Primary's New Child-Led EYFS Playground

A once grey and plain EYFS playground, is now a bright and wonderful place for play and outdoor learning. Read how we made this fantastic transformation for the Early Years children of Thornton Primary School here... Read the full article…

Peover Superior's New Messy Play Zone

Peover Superior felt their EYFS playground lacked inspiring resources for imaginative and creative play. We decided to create a "Messy Play Zone" to enhance tactile and sensory experiences to inspire children to get messy and creative together. Read the full article…

Haslington Primary's New Free Flow Environment

Haslington Primary needed a free flow environment spread across two early years classrooms with a safe storage option. Read how we made this dream come alive with our new outdoor classroom invention. Read the full article…

Rugby Free School - Playground Development

Rugby Free School now has two incredible sections to her outdoor area that will promote cooperation, social development, imaginative play and physical development. Read the full article…

Harbinger's New Castle & EYFS Playground

Harbinger now have a child-led EYFS outdoor learning environment with more exciting and engaging options for children to self-select from. Read the full article…

St Helen's - New Creative EYFS Playground

We created a fantastic child-led Early Years Playground for the children of St Helen's Primary School. Read how we transformed the area to have multiple curriculum-led play opportunities! Read the full article…