Outdoor Learning and Play
Do know the benefits of role play for EYFS children?
We have looked at the different ways children can Role-Play but what do children learn and develop by doing it?
The great thing about EYFS Role-Play is that children can learn a lot about being someone or something else, by submerging themselves into the footsteps of the characters.
By acting out different characters, children can see through their own eyes how life for that person/thing can be and understand that everyone is an individual with their own personality, history, and life story.
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As well as realising that in some cases life can be hard, a struggle, and not an easy ride.
Enabling children to feel empathy and understanding toward that character.
Creativity and Imagination
Creativity and imagination can ignite as children Role-Play.
Allowing little minds to run wild as they conjure up fantastical play situations about Aliens, Witches, Monsters, etc. “Make-believe” play is the perfect setting for children to nurture their creativity, dream big, and enhance their cognitive development.
Understanding Events and Emotions
EYFS Role-Play is a great way to allow children to promote emotional awareness.
Through structured play, children can speak openly about their emotions and feel safe in doing so.
By encouraging children to speak freely about how they feel (especially in an uncomfortable situation) whilst, in the role of a different character, children will learn that by doing so, they can learn to speak freely when placed in similar scenarios in their home lives in the future.
Social and Emotional Development
For little people, it is important that they learn to share, compromise, problem-solve, and communicate with each other.
EYFS Role-Play provides the perfect environment for children to do this.
Encouraging children to work as a team when acting out a new situation, promoting organisational skills when stating who is going to play who, aiding compromise, and enabling critical thinking, empathy, listening skills, and linguistic skills.
Physical Progress
Without even knowing it children can develop their fine and gross motor skills when Roleplaying!
From pretending to be weightlifters in the Olympics, to counting change in a Café, children can improve their physical development whilst having lots of fun!
Role-Play areas are a great way to enhance children’s literacy (reading and writing) without them even knowing it!
Setting up a Role-Play area such as a Café, Vets Surgery, or a Corner Shop provides children with a perfect setting to read signs, pick up books on the subject, and storytelling, write orders down, write prescriptions, write receipts, etc.
Encouraging children to read and write whilst in the throes of Roleplaying!
Children will be counting, measuring, multiplying, and dividing without even realising it, when in full swing of Role-Play.
For example, when being a Shop Assistant counting out money, a Chef measuring ingredients for cakes, or a Witch doubling ingredients for a potion!
A fun way to enhance children’s Mathematical skills and language through play without them knowing!
At Pentagon Play, we offer a range of play equipment designed to support and encourage EYFS role play on our Imaginative and Creative section.
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