Woodheys Primary School's 4G MUGA Pitch

View a magnificent MUGA Pitch that has transformed a tired area of Woodheys Primary School's field into a vibrant, long lasting Multi Use Games Area perfect for many sporting activities including football, netball and hockey. Read the full article…

Worthington Primary School's Daily Mile Track

We created a wonderful all-weather track that encompasses the entire school field for a primary school in Trafford to regularly participate in the Daily Mile. Read the full article…

Baby Bede Nursery's Playground Development

We worked closely with Baby Bede Nursery to transform their Baby Garden and Preschooler area into exciting and vibrant areas for play. Read the full article…

St Margaret's School Playground Development

We developed the Key Stage 1, Key Stage 2 and EYFS outdoor play areas, at a school in Brighton, to create inviting and stimulating areas which boost learning and overall fitness. Read the full article…

Sedgeford Primary School's Playground Equipment

We developed an exciting and stimulating playground with equipment that promotes the curriculum and contributes towards STEAM learning through play. Read the full article…

Leamington Primary's Active Playground Equipment

We've created a magnificent active play area for Leamington Primary Academy's KS1 and KS2 children. The zone includes our amazing Crinkle Crags Climbing Frame and a selection of challenging Trim Trail Equipment. Read the full article…

Old Hall Drive's Active Playground Equipment

We've created an innovative active play environment for Old Hall Drive Academy's KS1 and KS2 children. The zone includes 2 huge Climbing Frame and challenging trim trail equipment. Read the full article…

Rowan Tree School's SEN Play Equipment

We worked with Rowan Tree Specialised School to transform their outdoor areas into dedicated and inclusive playgrounds for children with severe and complex, individual needs. Read the full article…

St Cleopas Primary's MUGA Pitch

View an incredible Multi-Use Games Area installed to enhance the school's sporting curriculum while creating an all weather provision. Read the full article…

Liphook Infant School’s Playground Castle

An exciting community project creating a fantastic all-weather play space that inspires both active and imaginative play while naturally boosting positive behavior within the playground. Read the full article…